

History Desa Putera Orphanage
In 1947 the newly independent Indonesia. Not much can be done by a State which has not yet reached the age of 2 years to fix everything that is ravaged by war in previous years. Politics, economics, education, security, still has not arranged. In many countries in the world, the war also have an impact that is always the same: many lost their homes, lost family members and children who are the most affected by this situation.


In Indonesia, in Batavia and surrounding areas alone is thousands of displaced children. Most of them have lost their parents that are forced to live homeless and begging on the streets with naked bodies. This alarming condition inspires the heart Mr. J.E.Ysebaert, Resident of Batavia. He wants the children who mostly bare it got shelter. His desire was then discussed with Mgr.Willekens, Vicar Apostolic of Batavia as orphanages that there can not accommodate them anymore. Mr Ysebaert's desire delivered by Mgr. Willekens to Mr. A. Bogaardt, Chairman Vincent Orphanage. Mr. A. Bogaardt willing to accommodate children as long as it provided shelter and energy to take care of it.

In Indonesia, in Batavia and surrounding areas alone is thousands of displaced children. Most of them have lost their parents that are forced to live homeless and begging on the streets with naked bodies. This alarming condition inspires the heart Mr. J.E.Ysebaert, Resident of Batavia. He wants the children who mostly bare it got shelter. His desire was then discussed with Mgr.Willekens, Vicar Apostolic of Batavia as orphanages that there can not accommodate them anymore. Mr Ysebaert's desire delivered by Mgr. Willekens to Mr. A. Bogaardt, Chairman Vincent Orphanage. Mr. A. Bogaardt willing to accommodate children as long as it provided shelter and energy to take care of it.
Early in April 1947, Mr. Ysebaert met Prof. Dr.P.M. Van Wulfften Palthe, Chairman of Association of Nurse Life to borrow a piece of land that is building. By Prof. Van Wulfften sought a place in the village Srengseng Rice, Supreme Lenteng the form of wards that used to care for the mentally ill. To get the power manager, Mgr. Willekens then contacted the Congregation and be brought Br Budi Mulia Corbinianus to become director and Br Mattheus as helpers. Under the leadership and resources of Vincent, a shelter for abandoned children gradually began to be built. Building of bamboo to the residence of the Brothers began to be established. Shortly after the place and power manager is available, on June 17 are brought 100 children, who were taken off the streets and out of place Hubian beggars in Rustenburg. They are the first inhabitants of the new shelter. Besides the children were also brought in used clothes, blankets and foodstuffs, of second-hand clothes, the population of the village Srengseng Sawah help recycle that into children's clothes.
 Three days later brought another 30 children from Rustenburg and 120 children from the residential area of beggars in Rawa Badak, Tanjung Priok. Their age a bit bigger so that soon they fled.
  A HOME YATIMFor approximately two months, efforts to establish a shelter for abandoned children has revealed its shape, namely an orphanage. Then dipilihlan a name for naming the shelter house. Finally it was agreed, the Supreme Lenteng Orphanage was changed to "The Village" and "Youth" to "Son". On June 30, 1947 the village of Son unveiled, Vincent attended by the board, the founders, government officials, Ny. Van Mook, representatives of agencies and the Red Cross, Bureau of Social Affairs, Education, Health, Army, also Srengseng Sawah village chief.
In the village of Son, the children have not had any activity. Throughout the day the children are still small just playing around. Of course, this situation will not be tolerated. They were given vocational training in order to later be self-sufficient. Little by little job training facilities are built. In July, began to set up workshops for metal and wood carpentry. Under the leadership of Br Mattheus, opened the exercises also bind the book. Livestock operations also began, with maintain one cow, two horses, 25 ducks and ten chickens. Meanwhile through the Red Cross, from Cilendek, Bogor brought in as many as 109 children. They are not small children. They have too long to live freely vagrancy without rules as adopted by the community at large. So that the rules are applied in the village of Son perceived as a burden that made their lives uncomfortable. Therefore, many of those who fled at night while carrying any items that can be taken. Most of them also steal in houses around. This makes people feel calm and not happy with the village of Son. But this situation did not last long.
Along with the continuous improvement, education should also be given to them. Reading, writing and other knowledge taught to them by Br Gerrard. Among the children who are taught, there are already educated. Children who have never been to school every day gets a "refreshing" to recall the lessons they've acquired. After that they became teachers for other children who have never attended school. The classes began to be built. Every day the children were learning in class that already exists, or anywhere in the open places. To meet the needs of education, from the workshop, carpentry made learning tools and benches from bamboo. In addition, efforts to train children to work is continually added. In October was opened Plantation, namely palm and citrus. Every morning the children go into the garden with a hoe for gardening

 educational development

 Three years passed. Br Gerrard no longer alone. Accompanied by Br. Nerius and Br Macedonius, they are constantly trying to improve the quality of education. Pendidian system which was originally free too little by little began to change, though at first very difficult. In December 1950 opened the first class with 15 students. Namely schools to educate prospective teachers Lower School (OVO = education teacher for two years after graduation SR). Diocese see the effort to educate prospective teachers is quite good as the work of the mission, which is to educate children to become good Catholic teachers. Education organized by Desa Putera held also by people outside the village of Son. But with this growth has not meant the end of the issue. Children who are brought in very diverse background. While there is a child that has been developed with school and job training, there are other children who constantly escape. Of the 1,000 children were accommodated, about 700 children who pergidengan quietly. Lainpun problems arise, namely in October 1951 Br Hypolitus just starting to work replaces Br Br Macedonius Nerius and bad face reality. Forty armed men come at night, requested that Corbinianus Br Br Br Hypolitus Mattheus and delivers goods they ask for. These three brothers refused. As a result, they were beaten and locked up in the office, while the robbers took items and clothing in bulk.

Trucks and street children finally stopped, and efforts to improve the quality in all areas are constantly conducted. Along with efforts to improve the quality of education, quality of buildings also began to be repaired. The buildings are made of bamboo was replaced with stone buildings stronger. The building where the brothers lived and schools is no longer a simple building of bamboo. Number of management personnel and school department was added. 1952 Br Theodore came to the village of Son as Leader of the house. When it Br Juvenalis have started a School Teachers Down (SGB), which is then handed over to Br Bernardino with a number of 172 pupils. Other schools are already running Rendan School and Lower School Carpentry managed by Br Tethard and Lower School Carpentry led by Theodorus Br. These schools not only for children Desa Putera, but also open to the public. There was also a religious courses run by Br Pancraitus and there is a course to continue school for children Desa Putera clever. Desa Putera form little by little began to change, which is a large dormitory equipped with schools, workshops consisting of iron carpentry, carpentry, sewing, carpentry bamboo, farm, chapel and a clinic run by
Br Hypolitus.

In 1960 the Lower School Teachers who have received subsidies from the government was forced to close, because da schooling system changes implemented by the government. Government calls for high school and higher school teachers, which is above the Junior High School. In August 1961, the village of Son Secondary School officially opened to replace the SGB, without loss of subsidies from the government.

In October 1963, the village of Son burned. The whole roof of the building was broken so that almost all activity is inhibited. Soon news of the fire spread throughout the city and bantuanpun flow. In February 1964 Bryder homes can already be used again, and classes began to be expanded.

Bookbinding effort has been expanded by Br Basilides. From. Of several companies in the city, this effort gets donated several pieces of small printing press. With this printing machine, thought likely to open a skills training in the field of printing for the children boarding.

To take advantage of the printing press, Br Br Basilides Corsini and try to teach the twelve adak Desa Putera who is studying binding books. To twelve children are taught how to create cards and invitations. See the results, Br Basilides think about the possibility of opening schools greater printing. In 1966 he was looking for information on CEBEMO (Agency intermediary financing building works) and Mr. Verhaak, an expert in the field of Graphic coming to the village of Son to make a plan and a request for help. Provincial leaders Budi Mulia in Jakarta who see the results of printing which although still small, ask for help on Brother Provincials in the Netherlands to set up a small printing that will be a source of income for the province of Indonesia. Br. Prov. Hugolinus agree and offer printing Juvenat-engine machines in Vucht, Maria Oord. 1967 Br. Martin Dol, an expert in the field of Graphic brought to the village of Son. In 1968 in March, Br Eulogus sent to the village of Son with the presses, as well as a "guest worker". In the same year, school construction permit was obtained graph. Graphic Technical School was started without the necessary machines, because the machines delivery and installation of the machines that take a long time. It was not until January 22, 1971, the machines can be used. One year later, on April 11, 1972, the school has memeproleh graphics operation license and was inaugurated with the name of Secondary Technical School of Graphic.
Not only schools that continue to grow and move forward. Clinic which was originally opened by Br Hypolitus to serve the health of children boarding Son village continues to grow, patients not only children's dormitory, but the people around came. Because of these efforts have not obtained a license from the Ministry of Health Br Hypolitus run this clinic quietly. Patients who continue to grow, practice clinic was held in the building that has been good, which is the former novitiate. To improve this clinic, custody of the Foundation Melania, but leaders still held by Br Hypolitus. The sisters of the Foundation Melania and doctors brought in. They made a living in order to work in the clinic every day. In 1974 the clinic got the status of Community Health Centers, which serve the treatment to the surrounding population. Health Care Center continues to grow by adding parts of obstetrics and dental parts, and equipped with ambulances.

Year after year passed. At the age of increasingly mature, Desa Putera find increasingly clear shape: the dormitory, school, chapel, printing, Center for Public Health and workshops. Carpentry and metal workshop retained despite not receiving orders from outside. Farms closed and plantations began regularly revived, but many things still needed to develop it. Occupying a former farm land, plantation is cultivated, in addition to built also a fish pond. Efforts in the field of printing continues to grow and since 1993 equipped with Graphic Training Centre, which is a training ground for the children who did not receive formal education graphics.